Tattoo studio:
Something a little different from yesterday! Jessica is a student of #archeology and loves the story of #medusa, so I went about designing the Gorgon in my own style for her. The face and hair has roots in the linear Celtic style, but compared to the faces in the book of Kells I have tweaked the approach to make it more modern. The snakes are reminiscent of those from Scandinavian Bronze Age rock carvings, but over all this is not a historically accurate design. And considering Medusa is an Ancient Greek character and no related to anything I mentioned above, I didn’t think it should be! It is interesting though to think how the ancient peoples of North and Western Europe would have imagined Medusa. Tales of her beauty, misfortune and turning men to stone, even after being beheaded... the celts being renowned head worshipers would have been especially fascinated with this aspect of her. the Greek and Iberian traders and sailors would have spread her tale as much as they would have picked up Celtic and Nordic myths and taken them home with them.. she must haunted the dreams of many of our ancestors.. This will be the first in a sleeve of influential female characters from history and mythology on Jessica... I can’t wait to do more! :)
- En Mujeres
Subido por Tattoofilter Hace 7 años, tatuado Hace 7 años
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