Tattoo studio:
Before (not done by me) & After. This is NOT a cover up tattoo, it is an “add-on” or “finish up” session. As you can see, the subject is still the same, and the previous tattoo serves as a foundation for the add-on session. Dmitry had been a client in my previous shop, but when I was suddenly terminated, I had failed to follow through with our appointment because of my inability to carry over my sketches, and my weakness to fight my previous shop for my clients. The project was handed off to another artist within the same shop, honoring his deposit, and the tattoo came out unfinished, financially depleting, and underwhelming. Dmitry then came to me, fully apologetic, with the tattoo on your left, and humbly requested for my help. But I was the one that was apologetic. It was my failure as your tattoo artist, the one that you originally had chosen, who made this happen. After getting the former artist's permission to rework the tattoo, I made sure I finished what I was meant to do--free of charge. I learned so many lessons from this: 1. Responsibility overrules money. 2. Your clients are your family. 3. You tattoo for your client, not for you. Even when you're tired from hours of tattooing, make sure you push to get the right angle for the photo because you know this is your client's first tattoo. Even when your emails are bursting with new inquiries and clients, you prioritize the people who've supported you since Day 1. Thank you Dmitry for giving me the trust to finish up and mend my mistakes.
- En Hombres
Subido por Little Tattoos Hace 6 años, tatuado Hace 6 años
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