7th Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention
room Puerto Rico Convention Center
directions 100 Bulevar Saint John, San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention 2024
Returns for its 7th edition, the “Puerto Rico International Tattoo Convention,” the most important tattoo event in Latin America.
Come get a tattoo from one of the 180 most respected artists in the world, or compete in the 20 available categories.
Contests have also been taken into consideration to be a serious, non-bias, non-political event but also a different approach for the serious collector who has been collecting from a well-thought-out small piece to the commitment of a full bodysuit.
Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention is created to gather the best tattoo artists and collectors from all over the world and place them in the greatest place in the Caribbean.
Save the date, December 6 to 8 at the Puerto Rico Convention Center.
Best Traditional
Best Neo-Traditional
Best New School
Best Lettering
Best Bio-Mech
Best Blackwork
Tattoo Of The Day
Best Values
Melanated / Dark Skin Tattoo (Fresh / Healed)
Best Linework
Best Saturation
Best Composition
Built To Last
Best Oriental
Best Realism
Best Color
Best B&G
Best B&G / Color Fusion
Tattoo Of The Day
Best Sleeve (Arm / Leg)
Best Chestpiece / Backpiece
Best Overall Collector Female
Best Overall Collector Male
Best Color (Fresh)
Best B&G (Fresh)
Tattoo Of The Day
Best Of Show 2024