5th Panama City Ink Fest
room Palacio Dorado
directions Plaza Mirage, Panamá, Provincia de Panamá
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Welcome to the 9th edition of the Panama City Ink Fest, the oldest International Tattoo Convention and other forms of arts in Central America. This is a 3 days convention with artists from over 15 countries.
100 Stands
Tattoo seminars
Live entertainment
Best Tattoos Contest
Art Gallery
Ink Fest Market
Open to people of all ages
Full Bar and much more!
Since the beginning the PANAMA CITY INK FEST main objective has been to show the artistic aspects of the tattoo community and its positive influence on other forms of art.
Our goals are to encourage the individual growth of our participating artists through the collaboration of local and international colleagues; creating professional ties and lasting friendships and to encourage them to enhance their artistic expertise through the educational seminars that we offer.
Our convention is more that just Tattoos, is a cultural exchange, and we invite you to be a part of it. With the support from the international tattoo community we will grow as a strong tattoo art community changing the way many people still view tattoo and tattoo artists, and shape the future of Tattoo Art in Central America for the better.