9è Salon International du Tatouage de Marseille
room Palais des Sports de Marseille
directions 81 Rue Raymond Teisseire, 13009, Marsella, Arrondissement de Marseille
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Salon du Tatouage de Marseille 2025
On March 22 and 23, 2025, the 2000 m2 of the Palais des Sports in Marseille will host the 8th edition of the International Tattoo Exhibition.
An exceptional event will highlight no fewer than 200 tattoo artists, several piercing artists, as well as numerous brands anchored in the world of tattooing.
In order to delight future visitors and satisfy tattoo enthusiasts, the show wanted to bring together artists from all backgrounds, all generations, and all styles, representing the colors of a dozen different countries.
On the program, there are demonstrations of all kinds, as well as three competitions that will reward the most beautiful tattoos created.
And to make the festivities even more beautiful, visitors will also be able to attend several activities performed by internationally known artists: leading lady shows, concerts and much more!