The Great British Tattoo Show 2018
room Alexandra Palace
directions Alexandra Palace Way, Londres, Gran Londres
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Over 300 of the world’s greatest tattoo artists will be flocking to Alexandra Palace, London, on the 26th – 27th May 2018 dominating The Great Hall with some serious tattoo talent. If you’re serious about tattoos, alternative fashion, great music and some pretty cool people, you’re in the right place.
Brought to you from the crew behind Skin Deep Magazine and four annual kick ass conventions, welcome to the Great British Tattoo Show.
Come on in!
No egos, no bullsh*t, just good vibes, awesome artists and you guys!
Brent Goudie
Jason Adelinia
James King
Amy Coleby
Dor Stocker
Dave Martin
Haris Jonson
Jason Teitinga
Nick Brace
Bex Howe
Connor Humpage
Sean Pascoe
Kyra Bak
Rudi Ridgewell
Bryce Garnham
Lionel Cpg
Gretsch Gibson
Amanda Ashby
Jordan Mewse
Jeff Wharnsby
Filip Antonetti
Aaron Piechocinski
Andrew Curzon - Berners
Erika Ratto
Alessio Fauci
Josie Sexton
Chay Watts
Leticia Leopard
Lisa Elsom
Deprez Elodie
Fabrice Lorent
Ammar Farah
Alex Crook
Marek Kierklo
Andy Bryant
Silvia Carrara
Vale The Fox
Andria Dria
Ilya Samöwar
Anna Adamska
Coline Jover
Nancy Steiner
Ollie Smith
Iria Alcojor
Alberto Barat
Adam Caudill
Sharron Caudill
Maik Romero
Samantha Beedie
Daryl Healey
Billy Venni
Simon Caves
Mark Frost
Teri Pagratis
Mara Pro
Leonardo Vegnuti
Carlo Tacchino
Roberto Marsili
Ashleigh Bayton
Tamer Murdock
Rafael Pina
Paola Gorni
Raffaele Cavallaro
Zuzia Klasa
Damian Smolak
Dan Lica
Nicole Boselli
Michaela Kirtley
Mikey Black
Jamie Blackbourn
Marco Peracchio
Billie Jay Priestley
Scott Peatfield
Amy Grant
Craig Smith
Jayson Smith
Lee Sailor Merry
Dan Sharpz
Andy Spraster
Tom Brown
Lee Church
Fran Tillyer
James 'Inky' Bartlett
Wayne Fredrickson
Ben Ryall
Nathan Gothin (Noddy)
Gonzalo Cuesta
JR Black
Eikos Treis
Rebekka Rekkless
James Deakin
Paolo Giavazzi
Lenny Al Can
Issy Thompson
Will Brown
Christos Katsaitis
Rob Storm
Charlie Manger
Maya Dark
Angie Dark
Francesco Luporosso
Henrik Gallon
Veronica Lendel
Erica Guwallius
Martin Williams
Tim Gilbert
Leigh Coombs
Paola Spreafico
Norman Shovel
Mike Kyrtatas
Dave Valentine
Brian A Hepworth
James Lawrence
Ellen Walkley
Sonwaa (Sonia) Urcan
Jazmyn Proud
Laura Weller
Tonilee Serrano
Dotty Millar
Barry Nicol
Avalon Rose
Bex Priest
Charlotte Bergman
Sharnia Mockford
Adam White
Alexandra Hugianu
Maury Decay
Adrian de Largue
Lucy Frost
Alex Alvarado
Alex Alvarado
Alessandra Bellisai
Milly Macis
Adam Willett
Martha Copeland
Gareth Way
Gazz Neaves
Carrie Buckley
Beki Wells
Joshua Mcshane
Jake Brown
Sean Kirby
Wes Brown
Ciaran Harrington
Shannan Desborough
Aiwass Farray
L Hazzard
Adam Allward
C Garner
Dean Coughlin
Herdis Solveig
Matt Cox
Frank Klika
Sarah Misfud
Cristiano Viola
Fade FX
Sarah Anne Moore
Guy Anderson
Beynur Kaptan
Krystian Dranikowski
Graham Ware
Hannah Elizabeth Sargent
Pelletra Botton
Darryl Gates
Frank Paradiso (Frank'N'Tattoo)
Anna Stevens
Andrea Scardamaglia
Pippa Parlett
Ivan Yovkov
Sarah Loskill
Neil Braithwaite
A J Richards
Caz Tobitt
Damian Rozanski
Robert 'Olo' Olszewski
Etgar Oak
Gergana Petrova 'GiGi'
Gabriel Morales
Elle Sposaro
Roberto Salavtori
Luca Garzella
Simone Cecchi
Maze Fajar
Lee Smith
Jack Midz
Steph Finnola Reedf