11th Slovenia Tattoo Convention
room Gospodarsko Razstavišče Ljubljana Fair
directions Dunajska 18, Ljubljana, Eslovenia Central
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Welcome to the 11th International Tattoo Convention – Slovenia 2018
Dear tattoo artists, performers and of course dear visitors.
In the past years we have more than successfully carried out all our conventions together, and you have shown a great interest in attending the convention in Slovenia.
Our events do not only feature tattoo artists, piercers and exhibitors, but we also make sure that there are various music bands, dancers and other spectacles available in order to make everyone’s visit memorable. We also always have some surprises up our sleeves, but let’s keep those a secret for the time being
Therefore we would like to welcome all lovers of tattoos, piercings and the rockabilly scene as well as all other curious spectators. We are looking forward to you visiting us again in even larger numbers than before.