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We would like to invite you to the 3rd annual international Ottawa-Gatineau Tattoo Expo 2011 , October 21st , 22nd , 23rd 2011 , this year's venue will be at the same place as last year event at the Hilton "Casino" Lac Leamy. This year we will rent the booths (8'x10') for only $400 , and double for $750, there will be new entertainment card with Rockabilly bands and contests , this year will be performing The Lizardman as sideshow act, we will have a new contest this year strictly for the Tattoo artist which will be called Art Exposure which will consist of: each Tattoo artist(one artist per shop) will display a contemporary painting or drawing of their work(min 30x39 painting) throughout the Expo in the foyer which will be judge by the attendance people through a ballot box, the 1st prize of $500 will be given to the winner, and the top 3 painting will be display with the name of artist and shop in one of Ottawa's finest contemporary Art Gallery "La Petite Mort" where the painting will be in the front windows .