7ª Córdoba Expo Tattoo
room Quality Espacio
directions Cruz Roja Argentina 200, X500, Ciudad de Córdoba, Provincia de Córdoba
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Cordoba Tattoo Expo 2023
October is the month chosen to carry out the 7th edition of the Tattoo Expo of the city of Córdoba Capital, you are invited to participate actively. Córdoba Expo Tattoo takes place in an exclusive room, located in the heart of the center of the Cordovan capital.
This expo aims to bring together numerous artists under one roof, who show and expose their talent so that the interested general public can have at their fingertips all the information they need on the subject. To see, compare, and appreciate the art that each of the exhibitors is willing to show.
In this expo, other items directly related to Tattooing will also be present, such as the sale of supplies, pigments, alternative clothing brands, and shoe brands, among others. Doing it this way, an event not only attractive for exhibitors, but also for the general public.
Hosted by Córdoba Expo Tattoo!