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27th Annual Berlin Tattoo Convention
Dear friends of tattoo art, dear artists, dear dealers,
We would like to invite you to participate in our anniversary.
This year our international tattoo convention in Berlin is taking place for the 27th time. In Berlin we started the experiment to unite tattoo artists from all around the world in 1991. That was a good idea: Artists, as well as their clients, were fascinated by our event and such conventions followed gradually throughout Europe.
Meanwhile, almost every major city has an own festival of this kind of art once a year. We are proud and delighted having also contributed to cultivate Tattoos in our country.
As the oldest tattoo convention in Europe, we could write an entire book about how the wearing of tattoos in Germany has slowly but surely established in our society in the last 27 years. Nowadays, no one is shocked when the supermarket cashier can proudly present a tattoo, or tattooed models friendly smile at us from giant advertising posters. That’s why we are very proud to present you again the best of the best from all over the world.
With our Convention we also want to present you the development of the artists, the artistic creativity, as well as the latest art trends and hope you will rejoice. The venue itself, located right on the river Spree, is stunning, but our 27th Tattoo-Convention will be terrific.
The supporting program includes the contest of the best tattoos and the choice of the Tattoo Queen, among others: clear the stage for live bands and performance artists! The surprise effect is guaranteed. There will be enough to eat and drink, and for those who like to go shopping there will also be sufficient possibilities.